05-06-2024 - 05-06-2024

The innovative aspect of the Awareness Program & Workshop by the Rotary Club of Panvel Elite lies in its strategic approach to environmental conservation through a focus on sparrows. While traditional environmental initiatives often center on planting trees and reducing plastic, this program brought a fresh perspective by spotlighting the often-overlooked role of sparrows in our ecosystem. Dr. Nandan Hande Patil, an ornithologist highlighted the alarming decline in sparrow populations due to urbanization, habitat loss, and pollution. He explained how sparrows are indicators of a healthy environment and play a crucial role in pest control, pollination, and seed dispersal. Their presence is essential for maintaining ecological balance. Dr. Patil's engaging presentation included practical advice on creating sparrow-friendly habitats, such as installing bird feeders, nest boxes, and ensuring the availability of water. The workshop also included interactive sessions where participants constructed birdhouses and feeders from eco-friendly materials. This hands-on experience was designed to foster a deeper connection with nature and a commitment to sparrow conservation. Participants left the event with a renewed sense of responsibility towards preserving sparrows and, by extension, the broader ecosystem.

Project Details

Start Date 05-06-2024
End Date 05-06-2024
Project Cost 3000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 25
No of direct Beneficiaries 30
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Patalganga
Non Rotary Partners Innerwheel Club of Panvel City
Project Category Environment, Special Projects, Vocational Service