01-04-2023 - 01-04-2023

*Rotary club of Panvel Elite in association with Adolescent Health Academy Raigad branch* conducted a seminar for *10 th standard students and Parents at CKT school New Panvel* on account of *International Adolescent Health week* . Topics discussed were 1.Social media 2.Legal backing for Adolescents 3.Human values 4.Peer bonding and Peer pressure 5. Budgeting, value of money 6.Gadgets craving 7.Anger management 8.Non communicable diseases due to junk food 9.POSCO 10.Sports, exercise 11.Right handwashing techniques 12.Prevention of various types of pollution 13.Big dreams defocused mind...and few more topics

Project Details

Start Date 01-04-2023
End Date 01-04-2023
Project Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 800
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy