24-11-2019 - 24-11-2019

Typhoid fever can be a life-threatening disease. As many as 30% of people who do not get treatment die from complication of typhoid fever. The worrying part is that drug-resistant typhoid bacteria has become more common in many parts of not just India but world. The situation becomes even more disturbing in tribal parts of village as there are very few antibiotic treatments. In order to lend a helping hand, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite organized a typhoid vaccination camp on 24th November, 2019 at Sindhalachi Wadi and Government Ashram School at Warawne near Pen. 190 Children aged 2 to 15 years were vaccinated. 430 packets of biscuits were distributed amongs students which was sponsored by Ann Meenal Munot. The vaccines were sponsored by Rtn. Neeraj Kothari and administered by Rtn. Dr. Swati Likhite.

Project Details

Start Date 24-11-2019
End Date 24-11-2019
Project Cost 21000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 6
No of direct Beneficiaries 190
Partner Clubs Rotary Community Corps Borgoan Elite
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category