19-11-2017 - 19-11-2017

Did you know there are certain villages in India whose residents don’t even know their blood groups? Assessing one’s health is a key to preventing any potentially fatal diseases or conditions. That is precisely why even healthy people get their blood tests done regularly. Blood tests reveal what your external symptoms can’t on several occasions. On that note, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite organized a free mega blood check-up camp for students and adults of 11 villages at Virani School located at Virani village at Pen, Maharashtra on 19th November, 2017. Rotary Club of Panvel Elite in association with Thyrocare collected samples of over 120 villagers belonging to rural and tribal villages like Borgaon, Virani, Dhangarmal, Kasmal A, Kasmal B, Yeloshi, Kotbi, Ketkavne, Kolhachiwadi, Khokraiwade and Bangalwadi. Villagers were elated to have this camp and the camp itself received an astounding response since being a residents of a tribal village, up until now have never had any blood checkup done and more interestingly they never knew what their blood group either. This situation stems from the fact that mothers like how it used to happen in past still deliver their offspring at home and not in the hospital. Lack of any medical infrastructure is one of the key reasons why they find themselves in this situation. The fact that we, at Rotary Club of Panvel Elite could reach this section of society gave us inexplicable satisfaction and created a lasting impact as we were able to reach an untapped and desperately needy section of society through the medium of Rotary International. This is not the end of it, we are going to further examine the reports and plan on how we can further contribute to the medical progress of the village in near future.

Project Details

Start Date 19-11-2017
End Date 19-11-2017
Project Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 4
No of direct Beneficiaries 125
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Disease prevention and treatment, Maternal and child health, Others