Regular Business Meeting

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 12 Jan 2023
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Likhite Hospital
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Regular Business Meeting
Meeting Agenda Agenda of the meeting: 1. Reading minutes of last BOD - Rtn. Aditya Joshi 2. Reading minutes of DG Visit - Rtn. Aditya Joshi 3. Declaring BOD for the year 23-24 by PE Rtn. Aditya Joshi 4. Open Discussion by Rotarians
Chief Guest
Club Members Present 10
Minutes of Meeting Minutes: 1. Minutes of last BOD on 5th Jan were read by Rtn. Aditya Joshi 2. Minutes of DG Visit on 22nd Dec 2022 were read by Rtn. Aditya Joshi 3. PE Rtn. Aditya Joshi declared the BOD for the year 23-24 and the same was posted on Main Group. 4. Rtn. Dr. Swati Likhite informed about the invitation for joint meeting with RC Panvel on 18th January 2023 at Panvel Gymkhana. The details of the meeting will be posted separately. 5. Open Discussion: Rtn. Pankaj Soni suggested some ideas to interact and involve members by celebrating birthdays of members, plan some training activities for the members.